
My name is Paulus Potter from Eindhoven, the Netherlands. I am the founder of Uberlogger. I am an electrical engineer living in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Why did I start the Uberlogger? That story actually started in 2017.

Back then, I wanted to explore more of the world after some years of working as an engineer and wanted to know how people in non-western countries are living and working. I decided to go to Guatemala and after 3 weeks discovered Quetzaltrekkers. This a non-profit hiking organization that gives all its proceedings to a school, called EDELAC (Escuala de la Calle), providing education for the poorest children in the city of Xela. I decided to volunteer there and stayed for 1 year in total. 

Helping children in need

I experience the time at Quetzaltrekkers as a turning point in my life. I consider myself to be very fortunate having everything I need and having the ability to do pretty much everything I would like to do. I knew before my trip that not everybody is that lucky,  but when I saw children not having parents, proper clothes or sometimes even food, you realize what it means to be grateful for everything you have. For this reason, I decided I wanted to help these children. 

The tech side

While I enjoyed volunteering at Quetzaltrekkers a lot, I also like engineering and helping others in general. I found that there’s a demand for the Uberlogger and decided to work on this, with the aim to give 50% of the gross profit of the Uberlogger to EDELAC. I did not do this alone; Bas Vermulst, assistant professor at University of Technology EIndhoven and co-owner of SDR Engineering B.V., designed the hardware and helped with solving different technical difficulties. 

We like to look at technology with a fresh perspective and see how to do things differently, more inventive or simpler. This way, we can help you with a data-acquisition that fits your needs, while helping children in need of education. We hope you like our product and tell others about it. If there’s something missing, that you share that with us, please tell us. We strive to make your logging experience to be the best as possible.

Already have things to share or ask? Please contact us through the contact details on our contact page.